Thursday, April 13, 2023

Through Whom Does The Living Water of The Holy Spirit Flow? (John 7:37-38)


Through Whom Does The Living Water of The Holy Spirit Flow? (John 7:37-38)

Through Whom Does The Living Water of The Holy Spirit Flow?
(John 7:37-38)
“On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
Who can drink the living water of the Holy Spirit?
Those who believe in the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism and His blood at the Cross
The living water of the Holy Spirit flows out of the hearts of those who believe in the beautiful gospel. John 7:38 says, “He who believes in Me, as Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” This means that there is true salvation and the remission of sins for those who believe in the beautiful gospel that God gave us.
When does the indwelling of the Holy Spirit take place? The indwelling of the Holy Spirit can be obtained when one hears and believes in the true gospel, which says that Jesus Christ took away all the sins of the world through His baptism by John. One can then drink the living water of the Holy Spirit. Those who believe in the beautiful gospel have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and can experience the feeling of the Spiritual living water freshly overflowing and moistening their dry hearts every time they’re preaching or hearing God’s words.
The living water of the Holy Spirit flows out of the hearts of those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which says that the Lord came into this world in order to save all sinners from their sins. The Holy Spirit is the truth that can’t be separated from the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and rests in the people who believe in God’s words.
Anyone who wants to drink the living water of the Holy Spirit must receive the remission of all his sins by believing in the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism and His blood at the Cross. This living water of the Holy Spirit exists in the hearts of those who believe in God’s words. People who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit have the living water of the Holy Spirit, which flows like a river, streaming through their hearts. Even at this moment, the living water of the Holy Spirit is gushing out like spring water in the hearts of those who have received the remission of their sins by believing in the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ’s baptism and His blood on the Cross.
However, there is not even a single drop of living water of the Holy Spirit flowing out of the hearts of those who don’t believe in this beautiful gospel of truth. Until I believed and acknowledged the gospel of the water and the Spirit, I didn’t have a single drop of Spiritual living water flowing out of my heart. At that time, even though I fervently believed in Jesus Christ, I didn’t even know of the importance of the living water of the Holy Spirit because I didn’t have the Holy Spirit in my heart. However, now I have the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, and the living water of the Holy Spirit flowing freely out from my heart.
Now the living water of the Holy Spirit flows out of my heart, and out of the hearts of those who hear and believe in God’s word. Just as Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink,” the living water of the Holy Spirit refreshes others through born again Christians who believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. This living water flows out of my heart together with my faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit even at this moment, allowing others to drink from it. God lets the living water of the Holy Spirit flow out of my heart like a river. This is something familiar only to those who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Just as it’s written in Revelation that no one knows except those who have received it, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the living water is a secret known only to those who know and believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. Therefore, you should know in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. You should know that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given only to those who believe in Jesus’ gospel.

I used to believe only in the blood on the Cross

Even though I believed in Jesus’ blood on the Cross for over ten years, sin was still in my heart. At that time, I had the belief that my sins were forgiven only through Jesus’ blood. However, I could receive neither complete remission of sin nor the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through this kind of belief, and there was only confusion and emptiness in my life. The only sign that showed my belief in Jesus was the fact that I was attending church.
That is when I started to reconsider my beliefs. ‘Had I really received the Holy Spirit?’ When I first came to believe in Jesus, my heart was passionate with love for Him and even I had the gift of tongues. But what had become of me? I realized that this experience of burning emotion was not a sign of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that I hadn’t received the Holy Spirit at all. I believed in Jesus, but the Holy Spirit and the living water of the Holy Spirit were not in my heart.
It wasn’t really important if my heart was hot or cold, since my faith was based on [4]Calvinism. The questions I really had to answer were the following:
(1) Does the Holy Spirit dwell in me? ─ No. I am not sure He is in me. ─
(2) Is there sin in me? ─ Yes, there is. ─ There was definitely sin in me then, even though I believed in Jesus’ blood on the Cross. I still had sin in my heart, even though I believed in Jesus and said prayers of repentance every day. The sin in my heart was never completely cleansed no matter how hard I tried.
4A system of Christian interpretation initiated by John Calvin. It emphasizes predestination and salvation. The five points of Calvinism were developed in response to the Arminian position. Calvinism teaches: 1) Total depravity: that man is touched by sin in all parts of his being: body, soul, mind, and emotions, 2) Unmerited favor: that God’s favor to man is completely by His free choice and has nothing to do with man. It is completely undeserved by man, 3) Limited atonement: that Christ did not bear the sins of every individual who ever lived, but instead only bore the sins of those who were elected into salvation, 4) Irresistible grace: that God’s call to someone for salvation cannot be resisted, 5) Perseverance of the saints: that it is not possible to lose one’s salvation. But you can clearly discern its teachings from the gospel of the water and the Spirit, especially in regard to its doctrine of the limited atonement.
‘How can I receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?’ ‘How can I wash away the sin in my heart?’ These were the two nagging problems that I had in my mind, even after I came to believe in Jesus. I had spoken in tongues after I came to believe in Jesus and I also believed that my sins were cleansed thanks to my faith in Jesus’ blood.
However, as time went on, more and more sins piled up in my heart. I was full of sin. The prayers of repentance or fasting couldn’t wash away the sins in my heart as long as I was relying on Jesus’ blood alone. I worried for a long time about my actual sins. The more I worried, the more vehemently I preached the message of Jesus to others. I also attended church even more regularly and devoted myself to serving Jesus, relying on His blood.
However, as time went on, the actual sins in my heart were blocking me from having true faith. It was harder to believe in Jesus than ever before. I tried to rely more on Jesus’ blood and put forth my best effort and increased my dedication to God. However, the emptiness in my heart became greater. This kind of faith left me feeling empty and lethargic, and turned me into a hypocritical Christian who only cared about outward appearances. Thinking to myself, ‘Believing in Jesus is like this for everyone, it’s not just me!’ I tried to deny that my faith was misguided. However, the blood of Jesus and the prayers of repentance still couldn’t wash away all my actual sins.
Then by what faith could my actual sins be cleansed? My actual sins could be washed away only through my belief that all my sins were transferred to Jesus when He was baptized in the Jordan River. This is what is written in Matthew 3:13-17. Then why were my actual sins not washed away by Jesus’ blood? I didn’t know and believe in the beautiful gospel, which contains the meaning of John’s baptism on Jesus.
Does this mean that all the sins of the world were washed away through Jesus’ baptism? Yes, that’s right. The Bible bears witness to this by saying, that one cannot enter the kingdom of God unless he is born again of water and the Spirit (John 3:3-5). Jesus came into this world and accepted all the sins of the world through His baptism by John.
I was still doubtful about this and compared the Old and New Testaments to clarify this. The result was that I found out it was indeed true. All the sins of the world were passed on to Jesus when He was baptized, and all my sins were also passed on to Him at that time. I became sanctified through my faith in these words. I came to realize that this was the word of truth as it is written in the Bible and it is the most beautiful gospel in the world.
In addition, I realized why my sins were not blotted out through my faith in Jesus’ blood alone. The reason was that I couldn’t pass my actual sins on to Jesus when I didn’t know the truth of His baptism in the Jordan River. I had finally met the truth. I learned that Jesus came into this world for me, and that He took away all the sins of the world through His baptism, and was later crucified to deliver us from all the sins of the world. I also learned and believed in the truth that the purpose of Jesus’ baptism and His blood on the Cross was to take away all the sins of the world. Now I am righteous thanks to my belief in the beautiful gospel Jesus gave us, and because all my sins had been forgiven.
It was not the doctrines of the church that blotted out my sins, it was Jesus’ baptism and His blood on the Cross that did so. This truth was in the beautiful gospel. I was saved from all my sins and became righteous not through my belief in Jesus’ blood alone, but through my faith that Jesus’ baptism and His blood on the Cross are of my salvation.
One more thing I need to give thanks for is that God’s Holy Spirit came upon me after I started to believe in the beautiful gospel. Now the Holy Spirit dwells in me together with the words of Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross.
I thank the Lord who gave me this beautiful gospel and who let me preach the same beliefs as those of Jesus’ Apostles. God gifted me with the Holy Spirit, even though the only thing I did was to believe in the beautiful gospel. Now I can deliver this message with great honor and conviction to all the people in the world. Assuredly I can tell them that believing only in Jesus’ blood won’t blot out all their sins!
But I can tell them that all their sins will surely be washed away only if they believe in the beautiful gospel, which tells of the baptism of Jesus by John and His blood on the Cross. I don’t have even the slightest shame in front of God as I preach this beautiful gospel. I can now honorably preach this beautiful gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit to all the people of the world. I give thanks to the Lord. I thank the Lord who let me drink the living water of the Holy Spirit by giving me the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

Clinical tests show that the true gospel is that of the water and the Spirit

Have you really received remission of your sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? How can you tell if the gospel is really true? Once I performed tests on people who were about to believe in the beautiful gospel given us by Jesus. To one person I only preached the message of Jesus Christ’s blood on the Cross. I also told him that there should be no sin in Jesus Christ. To another person I preached the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross. The result was that the person who received remission of his sins by believing only in Jesus’ blood said that he had to continuously be forgiven for his actual sins. But the person who believed in the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism and blood, on the other hand, said that he had now become a perfect sinless person.
He said that he had no sin in his heart because he believed in the truth that Jesus took away all his sins and was judged for them. He was able to receive the Holy Spirit from God because he believed in the beautiful gospel, which says that Jesus’ baptism by John washed away all the sins of the world.
The reason that this man could say that he had no longer had sin in his heart was because he had received the Holy Spirit in his heart through his belief in the beautiful gospel. The Holy Spirit gave him the conviction to say he had no sin in his heart. God gives the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to all those who believe in Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood at the Cross. In whom does the Holy Spirit dwell? The Holy Spirit is given as a gift to those who believe in the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross.
Just seeing the superficial phenomena on the Day of the Pentecost has caused many people to misunderstand the truth about receiving the Holy Spirit and put aside the beautiful gospel. People think that if they desperately pray and seek the Holy Spirit, they will be able to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. For a long time, Christians around the world didn’t have even the slightest idea of the truth, which said that one could receive the Holy Spirit only by believing in the beautiful gospel of Jesus’ baptism and blood. However, now many servants of God, who have received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit through their belief in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, have preached the gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit. As a result, many people throughout the whole world have learned to accept this beautiful gospel and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
God allows people who believe in this beautiful gospel to experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible, it says, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit all flesh” (Acts 2:17). However, one should know that trying to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit without knowing the beautiful gospel is a mistake. There is no other way to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit than to believe in Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross.
Since God says that one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven only when he is born again of water and the Spirit, and only the born again possess the gift of the Holy Spirit, there is no doubt that everyone needs the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. How can you think of receiving the Holy Spirit or entering Heaven without believing in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit? There is no way to Heaven other than by believing in the beautiful gospel. You can receive the Holy Spirit only by believing in the gospel of Jesus’ baptism and His blood. Just like we pay money when we buy things, we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we believe in the beautiful gospel.
I want to tell you that if you truly want to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you must first know and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Then you will have the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit. You can only receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by believing in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. God wants to present you with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the beautiful gospel and as time passes, I feel even more strongly that this beautiful gospel that God gave me is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world. I feel thankful to God. Do you feel the same way? We realize that those of us who have received the Holy Spirit have been greatly blessed by God.
I am giving you the message of how you can receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by believing in the beautiful gospel. People can qualify themselves to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit only by accepting this blessed beautiful gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit.
In John 7:38, Jesus says, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow a river of living water.” This means that people who receive the remission of all their sins by believing in the beautiful gospel that Jesus Christ gave them have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The living water of the Holy Spirit will flow like a river out of their hearts. People who believe in this beautiful gospel will experience the flowing out of the Spiritual living waters.
Even though I was a devout believer in Jesus before I was born again through the gospel of the water and the Spirit, there was no living water of the Holy Spirit flowing out of my heart. However, after I came to believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, the living water began to flow freely out of my heart just as it is written in the Bible. Even at this moment, the living water of the Holy Spirit flows together with the gospel of the water and the Spirit that God gave me. The living water of the Holy Spirit flows in abundance from my heart all year round. I began to do the work of an evangelist, preaching the beautiful gospel, after I received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

My confession of faith after believing in the beautiful gospel and receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

It was just before the end of autumn in my early twenties. That autumn especially made me think of the inevitability of my death. My life that year was marked by confusion, emptiness and darkness due to the sins in my heart. I was moving in the wrong direction, with no idea which way to turn. My body was getting ill along and the emptiness in my heart was growing.
Because of my sins, I was in total despair and I wasn’t even sure of the cause. I had no other choice but to wait for God’s judgment at the sudden end of my life and beg for the remission of my sins. “Oh Lord, I want to receive the remission of my sins through my faith in You before I die. Also, please heal the sickness in my body!” I prayed and prayed.
Just then, new hope started to pour out from deep down in my desperate heart. My heart was filled with longing for God, and it was as hot as a fireball. It wasn’t despair: it was new hope that was burning like a raging fire in my heart. From that day on I began a new religious life, believing that Jesus died on the Cross to save me from my sins.
Not long after that, I had the experience of speaking in tongues. Later I continued to shed tears as I thought about the blood Jesus had shed on the Cross. I was thankful that He had shed His blood on the Cross for me.
After that incident I abandoned my old life and got a new job that allowed me to keep the holy Sunday. At that time, my heart was full of love for Jesus, and overflowed with the endless gratitude whenever I felt that Jesus had shed His blood on the Cross to save me from my sins. My religious spirit began to grow, but it was solely based on the words of Jesus’ blood on the Cross.
However, as time went on, my religious life began to be plagued by suffering due to my weaknesses and actual sins. All my actual sins hadn’t been completely washed away because my belief was in Jesus’ blood on the Cross alone. I tried to wash away my actual sins through prayers of repentance. However, the prayers I offered in hopes of achieving God’s forgiveness could not completely wash away my actual sins. It was all because I couldn’t keep God’s laws. My actual sins began to pile up.
Even though my sins weren’t completely washed away through my prayers of repentance, I had no other choice but to continue to say these prayers. I believed that every time I sinned, I could wash away my sins through prayers of repentance and by thinking about Jesus’ blood on the Cross. The more I continued with my religious life, the more my actual sins were piling up due to my weaknesses. My suffering was only increasing because of these sins.
I was becoming a Pharisaic Christian, and I was appointed a deacon and later an evangelist regardless of the burden of my sins. I went out to preach the gospel whenever I felt the pain of my actual sins, thinking this was the only way to cleanse my soul. But my actual sins were not washed away through this kind of faith based on doctrine and self-sacrifice.
I even had the experience of getting caught by Satan. I fell into condemnation due to my actual sins and even felt the urge to die for my transgressions. “You have sinned, haven’t you?” Satan continued to condemn and torment me with my sin.
My faith was on the verge of collapse. I realized that I couldn’t wash away my actual sins through faith in Jesus’ blood and prayers of repentance alone, and eventually found myself in a state of frustration.
Studying Calvinism in a theological seminary, I became interested in the reason for Jesus’ baptism by John. I asked many professors why Jesus Christ was baptized by John in the Jordan. But their answers used to be the stereotyped ones, such as that He was baptized to show His modesty or to announce that He was the Son of God. However, these answers were not enough to quench my curiosity.
The truth of Jesus’ baptism by John caused me to recognize the beautiful gospel
After my time in the seminary, my sins were still not washed away, and I suffered under their weight more than ever before. Then one day I came to understand why Jesus was baptized and why He said that all righteousness would be fulfilled through this deed. It was the beautiful gospel that said that all my sins were passed on to Jesus through His baptism in the Jordan River. God helped me realize this truth through His written words.
After reading and rereading God’s words, in which the beautiful gospel is recorded, I finally recognized the truth that all my sins were transferred to Jesus through His baptism by John and that He was judged for them on the Cross.
This was when I realized that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit had truly come to me. All the sins in my heart were completely forgiven after I understood and believed in this beautiful gospel. The sins that plunged me into frustration and despair were completely washed away by the power of the beautiful gospel. Those sins that were never blotted out in spite of my endless self-sacrifices and prayers of repentance completely vanished at once. I sincerely give thanks to the Lord.
I speak the truth when I say that all the sins of the world could not be washed away only through Jesus’ blood on the Cross. Jesus’ baptism by John also led to the remission of sin. Now everyone should understand and believe that all his sins were washed away thanks to the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. I have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit deep in my heart because I believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, and the word of God’s Witness, which He has testified of His Son, was enough to drive out all the sins from my heart. I received the Holy Spirit like a dove as a result of my belief in the beautiful gospel.
From that day on, the Holy Spirit worked in my heart, enabling me to do my spiritual work, in other words, to preach the beautiful gospel. Now there is no sin in my heart. Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross bore witness to the remission of my sins and led me to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! I praise the Lord. The Holy Spirit silently fell on me like a dove and began to dwell in me from the day I came to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. He began to work in my heart sometimes like a dove, other times like a blast furnace.
Now you can also receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit if you accept and believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. Don’t you want to receive the Holy Spirit and praise the Lord by believing in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit together with me? Don’t you want to work with me in preaching the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit to the whole world? The beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit will sanctify you and give you the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel from faith to faith. That is why the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is given only through faith in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.
The wonderful things the Holy Spirit has done for me
After I received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, I began to work at a new church in order to preach the beautiful gospel. The Holy Spirit enabled me to powerfully preach the beautiful gospel.
It was at this time that the following incident took place. In the city where I lived, there was a tailor who did business with foreign buyers. This person was a deacon. He once stopped by a local hotel to do business with someone and he saw our poster there. He was attracted by the invitation and tried to contact me. He met with me and said he had lived in sin for a long time. After five hours of counseling on the gospel of the water and the Spirit, he finally recognized the truth of the remission of sins. He came to be born again, and also received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at that time.
Here is another story that occurred when I went out to look for a church building. I found a wonderful and spacious building. But at that time I had an insufficient amount of money to rent it as our church building. It seemed impossible for me to rent the building on account of the great shortage by my estimate. However, the Holy Spirit in me said, “Be strong and confident.” Surprisingly, I was able to obtain the church building and do His work thanks to the help of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit made me preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit from that time on. The Holy Spirit dwelling in my heart is with me even at this moment, prompting me to preach the beautiful gospel to all people. And I see those who hear and believe in this beautiful gospel receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
I thank the Holy Spirit who gave me the ability to preach this beautiful gospel. I know that even my whole lifetime would be insufficient to write about all the things the Holy Spirit has done for me. The Holy Spirit lets me live with the living water flowing freely out of my heart. I give thanks to Him who dwells in me.
The Holy Spirit planted the church that walks with Him through the gospel of the water and the Spirit
Once I went out in the wilderness to preach the beautiful gospel. At that time, God led me to a small town and I met a small group of people who were looking for God. God led me to preach the beautiful gospel to them, which caused them to have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They also received the Holy Spirit by listening and believing in the beautiful gospel. The Holy Spirit led them to become my co-workers, and I came to preach this beautiful gospel to the whole world together with them from then on.
At that time they were just a small group of people, not belonging to any religious denomination. They wanted to live according to God’s words, but desperately used to cry out to God for forgiveness of their sins because of their slavery to sin. The Holy Spirit led me to this group of people and prompted me to preach this beautiful gospel. I could see that the Holy Spirit had prepared both them and me to meet each another. God led me to preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit starting with the sacrificial system as it is written in Leviticus, and the people received the Holy Spirit through the words of the beautiful gospel.
God established the church of the Holy Spirit together with those believers in the beautiful gospel. The Holy Spirit appointed them Jesus’ disciples through the beautiful gospel. Now more and more sheep have begun to receive the Holy Spirit and to enter the church.
The Holy Spirit led me to start up a mission school and raise disciples. He helped me to teach God’s words to the people and helped them to learn to obey by faith and serve as God’s workers. He allowed works of the beautiful gospel to occur everywhere they went, and God planted His churches through them. The Holy Spirit has been leading His servants to preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit led the righteous, who received the remission of sin, to unite with the church and be blessed to live a righteous life in this world.
Satan has been deceiving people since time immemorial and he will continue to do so. Satan tells people that they can receive the Holy Spirit through prayers of repentance, fasting or the laying on of hands. This is not true at all. People cannot receive the Holy Spirit through prayers of repentance or the laying on of hands. They can receive the Holy Spirit only when they are forgiven for all their sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which God gave us. This is the true meaning of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has continuously led Jesus Christ’s disciples to preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit in order to help people receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has led us to do literature ministries worldwide
Just like Paul wrote the beautiful gospel in his epistles, the Holy Spirit dwelling in my heart has been the catalyst for me to preach and spread the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit in writing. This is the reason that we publish Christian books containing the beautiful gospel, which leads believers to receive the Holy Spirit. At first we started with small tracts of only a few pages, but soon our books containing the beautiful gospel spread throughout the world.
The Holy Spirit dwelling in me led more and more people to enter the church after receiving the remission of their sins by reading the books and believing in the beautiful gospel. Furthermore, He led us to preach the beautiful gospel in various foreign languages. He led us to preach the beautiful gospel in about 150 countries around the world, including the United States.
The Holy Spirit prompted the church to pray for the world mission and has led us to translate the beautiful gospel into various languages and preach it through literature ministries so that many different nationalities could hear and believe in it. The Holy Spirit led me to work together with new disciples in other countries and preach the beautiful gospel together with them there. I give thanks to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit filled me with enthusiasm to preach the gospel in Russia. The Holy Spirit led us to pray and gave us the chance to meet truth-seeking Russian evangelists and to preach the beautiful gospel to them. That was when they first heard the beautiful gospel. They then received the Holy Spirit just like us, after hearing and believing the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.
One of them, a professor of a national university in Moscow, offered this confession to me after hearing the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.
“I had believed in God for 6 years, but I believed without really understanding Him. However, after hearing about the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, I had a strong faith and tranquil comfort in my heart. I really thank the Lord. I had thought until then that I had led a religious life through the right kind of faith. My religious life consisted only of believing in the blood of Jesus, who died for our sins. However, I had no idea that God had cleansed all my sins.
I then met the born-again pastors and heard about the beautiful gospel which God gave us, and learned that I was still a sinner. I tried to find out more about the beautiful gospel and also about what being righteous means. I realized that all my sins were passed on to Jesus when He was baptized. It was the beautiful gospel. I realized that not only original sin, but also my daily sins and all my future sins were transferred to Him through His baptism. I gained the great happiness of being born again by hearing and believing in this gospel of truth.”
Many Russians, including this professor, received the Holy Spirit by hearing and believing in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit. Now the church of the Holy Spirit has been planted there, and more and more people have come to believe in the beautiful gospel through the work of the Holy Spirit. God did all these things, and therefore I give special thanks to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit dwelling within me made me a born-again Christian, just like all those who believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, and now I preach the beautiful gospel to the world. He let our books on the beautiful gospel be continuously translated not only into English, but also into many other languages throughout the world. He made us preach this beautiful gospel throughout the world. I give thanks to the Holy Spirit. You too can also receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. God wants you to have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Many people try to receive the Holy Spirit by calling out His name and offering desperate prayers to God. However, trying to receive the Holy Spirit without the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit, which Jesus gave us, is a mistake. Saying that one can receive the Holy Spirit without Jesus’ beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit is false teaching.
Did Jesus’ disciples receive the Holy Spirit without believing in the beautiful gospel that Jesus gave them? No, absolutely not. You should know that nowadays the Holy Spirit dwells in those who believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and Spirit, and the living water of the Holy Spirit flows out of their hearts. Even right at this very moment, the living water of the Holy Spirit flows out of my heart together with the beautiful gospel. Hallelujah, I thank the Lord.

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