Tuesday, May 16, 2023

[Chapter 26-4] The Blood of The New Covenant (Matthew 26:26-28)


Subject 13 : The Gospel According to MATTHEW

[Chapter 26-4] The Blood of The New Covenant (Matthew 26:26-28)

The Blood of The New Covenant
(Matthew 26:26-28)
“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.’”

The Bread and Wine That We Received Today

The Lord established two ceremonies in His Church. The first one is the ceremony of baptism for those who have received the remission of their sins, and the second is Holy Communion that was originated from today’s Scripture passage.
The Lord gave His disciples the Great Commission before He ascended: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). Here, we can find the fact that the Lord has ordered us to baptize the people who are born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The ceremony of baptism is a ceremony that confesses the faith of a saint who has received the remission of his sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. And this is the confession of faith that is presented before God and the Church, “The Lord took all of my sins when He received baptism this way and cleansed them by shedding His blood and dying on the Cross.” 
Holy Communion was established to commemorate the Lord and the work of salvation of the Lord who came to this earth in the flesh of man, and gave us life. The bread and wine that we received today is the body and life of the Lord that He gave us in order to eliminate the sins of all sinners. Therefore, the Lord ordered us to share Holy Communion in remembrance of Him. Likewise, the Lord spoke to us of baptism and Holy Communion. In order to eliminate your and my sins, the Lord came to this earth, submitted His body to receive baptism, shed His blood, and died, and He said to believe that He actually eliminated all sin. 
That you have eaten the bread is to place your faith in this Truth firmly in your hearts. The Lord says in John 6 that whoever eats this bread receives eternal life. This means that everyone that believes that Jesus gave us His body receives eternal life. And Jesus giving His body to us means that He took charge of all of our sins by receiving baptism on Himself, submitted His body that had received all of our sins, and died in our place. Jesus saved us from our sins by giving His body that way. We have to know and eternally imprint in our hearts by faith that Jesus received the world’s sins through His baptism and carried the sins to the Cross, where He eliminated our sins by dying in our stead.
Do you believe that Jesus gave us His body? If that is the case, you have to know and believe that Jesus’ coming to this earth in the flesh of man was to take charge of all people’s sins. In order to eliminate all of our sins, Jesus willingly gave His body to us. You must know and believe this correctly and receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion. Just as this bread enters our bodies, becomes digested, and becomes an essential part of our bodies, if we believe that Jesus took charge of our sins with His own body, the faith in that Truth will become part of our hearts, and the sins in our hearts will truly disappear.

If Jesus Had Not Given His Body and Blood, No One Could Receive the Remission of Sins

Brothers and sisters, if Jesus had not given His body and blood, or if He had only shed His blood, we could not have received the remission of our sins. Since He submitted His flawless and spotless body and took charge of our sins, we have completely received the remission of sin through His water and blood. Since the Lord accepted the transference of our sins, received judgment, and willingly gave His body in order to fully eliminate all our sins, we have come to have no sin through faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we must keep in mind that when we receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion, we have received salvation through these two ministries of Jesus. And we must spread to the whole world the gospel of the water, the blood, and the Spirit that is the Truth of the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. 
God made a promise to us, saying, “I will eliminate your sins by coming to this earth in the flesh of man.” God made such a promise by His Word in the Old Testament. And in the New Testament, Jesus came to the earth in the flesh of man in order to perfectly fulfill the promise that He made in the Old Testament. Jesus had taken upon Himself all of our sins by receiving baptism when He was 30, and when He was 33, He paid for all of our sins by shedding His blood and dying on the Cross. So, we must live a life that knows, believes in, and proclaims this gospel of the water and the Spirit. We must believe that it was in order to save us from sin that Jesus Christ took all of our sins upon Himself by receiving baptism in the Jordan River and gave us life by shedding His blood on the Cross. And I believe that it is right for us to spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to everyone in the whole world because we are so thankful for Jesus eliminating our sins. Do you understand?
Why did Jesus give us bread and wine? In Christian churches that have become a false religion, they believe and spread only Jesus’ blood, but the Lord actually gave us His body also. We have to know the reason why Jesus gave His body. The Lord gave us His body that had received baptism in order to take charge of all our sins. We must know and keep this fact in mind. Jesus gave His body for us, received baptism, carried all of our sins to the Cross, and received the judgment on His body instead of us. We must know that He gave the blood of His precious life in order to redeem us from our sins. We must believe the fact that He saved us by giving His body and life. We must proclaim to the whole world the fact that Jesus saved us through His baptism and the shedding of His blood. We come to know that, “Jesus received baptism, went to the Cross and was nailed to it, and shed His blood. When Jesus’ blood fell to the ground from His body, He gave us new life.” I am very thankful that we received new life through our faith.
We give thanks before God. We cannot thank God enough for His love and mercy. Who are we that the Lord did this for us? It is suitable for people to just live thusly, return to a fistful of dirt, and forever pay the price of sin in the eternal pit of fire because of their sins. Even so, God sent His Son to this earth because He loves us. Jesus came to this earth, received His baptism, shed His blood, and died to eliminate all of our sins and made us the children of God. I am very grateful that God loved us this much. We are very thankful for the fact that we received salvation through God’s love.

There Is Nothing as Sweet and Refreshing as the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit

I can’t express how grateful I am when I think of the souls who have received the remission of sin through this Discipleship Training Camp. I am joyous and glad as if I just received the remission of sin. Just as those who received the remission of sin long ago are joyous seeing the newly born again brothers and sisters, God looks upon newly born again souls and is satisfied. I give thanks for the love and salvation of God that we could receive salvation through His love.
Would the people who have passed through the Gospel Class in this Camp raise their hands, please? Brothers and sisters, you have received the remission of your sins, right? Yes, you have received salvation through God’s love, His salvation, and your faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that He fulfilled. We give praises to God. Let’s all of you who have recently received the remission of sin also proclaim the gospel that saved us through the water and the blood. And I hope that you never ignore neither Jesus Christ’s baptism nor His blood. Since it is not salvation if you take out even one element from the baptism Jesus received or the blood He shed on the Cross, I hope that you believe in and spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit not adding to or subtracting from it until the Lord comes.
This morning, led by a refined and refreshing mood that cleared my mind, I went for a walk and deeply felt once again the love of God the Father who gave all these things as gifts. By completely saving all of us sinners who could do nothing but sin, God the Father made us His children and, along with all of the beautiful surroundings, has now given us new hearts, new purposes, and mentalities that are as clear and bright as the morning dew. I was thankful this morning to God who bestowed this salvation and love on us. 
Our Lord who eliminated our sins is so beloved and I am so thankful to Him that when I pray to God the Father, all I can say is “Thank You, Lord.” I am truly thankful. Since God saved us through the gospel of the water and the Spirit out of His consideration and love, we have received salvation by faith. If it were not for God’s love, how could we receive salvation? We are always insufficient and cannot help but continue living in sin. We commit sins through our thoughts, in our hearts, and through our deeds, but since Jesus saved us by receiving His baptism and shedding His blood unto death, we were able to receive salvation.
Brothers and sisters, we have become able to go to Heaven. Do you believe that you will go to Heaven? Since Jesus saved us through His water and blood by the love of God, we have come to go to Heaven by receiving salvation through faith. I believe that many more souls will receive this precious and beautiful remission of sin at next winter’s Discipleship Training Camp. If you have someone that you love the most, you must surely spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to that person. And please guide your earthly families. In this world that is worthless like a mirage, what is there to rely on? In the Church of God, we listen to the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit, find out through faith about God’s love, power, understanding, and wisdom, and I believe that coming to rely on those things is the most peaceful and happiest aspect of life. It is really good when we hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit in God’s Church where we can find the spiritual Word of God.
I can’t describe how blessed we are because we were able to listen to the gospel of the water and the Spirit all throughout the Camp. Isn’t it wonderful that we can listen to the gospel of the water and the Spirit for the whole four days and say that we truly have no sins by faith? There is nothing as sweet and refreshing as the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The gospel of the water and the Spirit is the Word from Heaven that people have not been able to hear at all to this point, the way of life, and the eternally unchanging Truth. 
Brothers and sisters, even if your bodies were afflicted during the Camp, it’s now really great that we have listened to the gospel Word and have no sin through our faith. You who have come to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit have received the most precious gift in the world. I hope that you and I do not look down upon the precious gift we have received from God. I hope we do not take God lightly. God made us His children by giving us the life of His Son that is more precious than His own life. Since the Spirit is in the hearts of you who have become the sinless people of God by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, I know that you cannot mock God. I hope that you eternally regard the gospel of the water and the Spirit as precious and treasure it.
We will go to Yanbian in two days. My heart trembles at the fact that we will be able to spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to our own people in Yanbian, China. Our God loved all mankind. If people don’t know that and turn their face from it, it can only be heartbreaking. Since it can’t be only us who know and treasure the gospel of the water and the Spirit which is God’s love, we will spread it to the whole world, and we now intend to spread it to our people in Yanbian. Therefore, this time, two couples of laborers equipped with the gospel of the water and the Spirit enter Yanbian in order to proclaim this gospel. I hope that you, too, will pray for this work of God. 
And there are also brothers among the born-again righteous who are receiving the call of the nation and joining the army. Listen, you brothers who join the army! Please believe that you are joining the army as the missionaries like Cornelius the centurion who accepted the Lord (Acts 10). You are entering the army as missionaries of the Cornelius Mission. Do you understand? And we who cannot work with you in the army will pray that soldiers around you will receive salvation.

We All Are Missionaries

This Monday, two couples of laborers will enter Yanbian and Brother Choi will enter army training. The couples of laborers going to Yanbian will live there for a month and return. And not long after, they will return to Yanbian to do missionary activity once again. 
Brothers and sisters, we cannot forget that no matter where we go, we are going as missionaries who spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the souls in that place. We are missionaries; you and I are all missionaries. Do you believe that? Whether you are old or young, a student or someone with a job, a homemaker, retired, or unemployed, people who are born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are missionaries who spread the gospel to the whole world.
Jesus requested of us that we who have become His disciples that we should make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded us. Jesus asked us to proclaim this gospel of the water and the Spirit to the whole world. I hope that you become the children of God who know and follow His will. 
Let’s lead your families to the next Discipleship Training Camp so that they may be able to receive the remission of sin. And besides them, I pray that many souls from inside and outside the country will come. I hope that you and I live the lives of precious workers of God that spread and proclaim the gospel of the water and the Spirit until all people in this world know it.

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