Monday, May 1, 2023

[Chapter 8-6] Those Who Inherit God’s Kingdom (Romans 8:16-27)


[Chapter 8-6] Those Who Inherit God’s Kingdom (Romans 8:16-27)

(Romans 8:16-27)
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”
All the people who have been forgiven of their sins believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and have the Holy Spirit in their hearts. It says in 1 John 5:10, “He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself”. He who has the righteousness of God in his heart has the Holy Spirit dwelling in it, and it is the faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that makes it possible for the Holy Spirit to dwell eternally in his heart.
We became God’s children by having our sins forgiven through our faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. The Holy Spirit has dwelt in our hearts and has become our witness, saying, “You are the children of God and His people.” To those who do not have the Holy Spirit in their hearts, on the other hand, the Law bears witness, “You are not God’s children, but sinners.”
To those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, the Holy Spirit bears witness, “You are God’s children. You are the sinless people of God.” God made it clear enough so that we would know that, in order to become God’s children, we must believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
You might ask, “I do not feel anything, so does that mean that I am not God’s child?” Some people are so infantile in their faith and may not realize that they have the Holy Spirit in their hearts. But the Holy Spirit confirms to us that even though we are in our doubtful selves, the Spirit cheers us up by saying, “Hey! You are God’s children! Do you not believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit? Because you believe, you are God’s people.” Even when we are doubtful, therefore, if we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we are God’s children. The Holy Spirit witnesses that we are God’s children. The Holy Spirit is not something that dwells in our hearts through our feelings and senses. Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit have no sin in their hearts, and since they have no sin, the Holy Spirit dwells in them. They are surely God’s children.
The Holy Spirit tells us in our hearts, “You believe in Jesus’ baptism, His Cross, and have been forgiven; therefore, you have no sin and are God’s children.”
However, His proof does not come in the voice like that of a human being. So, do not expect to hear a booming voice! If you desire after listening a voice, then Satan might disguise his voice as a human’s and try to tempt you. Satan works by peeking into people’s thoughts while the Holy Spirit works according to God’s Word.

Those who have God’s Righteousness are His children and heirs

Let us read verse 17 together. “And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”
If we are God’s children, we are also His heirs. An heir is someone who receives everything from his parents. In other words, we have the right to share everything God the Father has. If asked, “Who is God the Father’s heir?” we can answer, “The people who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and have been forgiven of their sins are His heirs.”
People with this kind of faith are blessed and will inherit God’s glory in His Kingdom with Christ. It states here that since we are joint heirs with Christ, in order to be glorified together, we also have to suffer with Him. To be joint heirs with Christ means to live in our Father’s Kingdom eternally. If you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, then you are a joint heir with Christ. We are heirs because we will inherit everything that our Father has.
From time to time, I can feel God’s Kingdom coming near us. Everything happens in its own good time. God’s promises in the Bible are also being fulfilled one by one. Now all that is left is for the people of Israel to repent, confess Jesus as their Savior, and be saved from their sins, along with a few other things. Israel is supposed to receive Jesus as their Savior during the Seven Year Tribulation.
The realization of God’s Kingdom on earth and in Heaven is linked with the repentance of the Israelites. I believe that the last day will come soon. I believe that the day is near when those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit will dwell eternally with God. The whole world waited for the year 2000 and thought it would be that day, but the year 2000 already passed. The tumultuous worries about the Millennium Bug have passed and we are already half-way through the year 2002, when, in fact, many people in the world had thought that all the changes on earth would happen in the year 2000.
Nevertheless, our long-awaited Kingdom of Christ is still approaching each and every one of us. The Holy Spirit also leads those of us who were forgiven of sins to sense the nearing of the Kingdom of God. Now, as before, everything will be fulfilled as God said. Let us wait for that day with faith.
In the future, Israel will become a stumbling block and an obstacle to world peace, and for this it will garner the enmity of many nations. This is what the Bible tells us—that Israel will become the enemy of many and then some of the Israelites will realize that the Messiah whom they have waited for so long was indeed Jesus. They will be forgiven of their sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. What God has planned is about to be accomplished. However, all these things will take place in due time, so we must not wait for them to happen by a certain date and time as some misguided eschatologists predict. Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit will get to see God’s prophecies come true. The believers have the hope that God’s promised Kingdom on earth and the Kingdom of Heaven are coming. I believe that such a day is near us.
The time will soon arrive when the things that the Lord has promised will come true one by one. I am confident that the day when the Thousand-year Kingdom and the Kingdom of God promised by God will be realized is very near us. Do you also think so, inspired by the Holy Spirit as I am? Do you believe that every prophecy of God will be fulfilled through the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit helps us to truly believe God’s promises with all our hearts.
Through the Holy Spirit, we are sure in our hearts that the promises of God on the last days will soon come true. We believe through the Holy Spirit that what passes in our minds and our hopes will come true along with all of God’s prophecies. This is the true faith.
You and I are the heirs of all of God’s promised blessings; therefore, we need to wait within the Holy Spirit. God’s Kingdom will come to us shortly. Israelites will soon believe and accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah.
Many people are awaiting Him right now, saying, “Please come Lord Jesus.” Paul said that since he was God’s heir, the suffering he went through could not be compared to the glory that he would soon receive. It meant that in order to receive glory together with Christ, we would have to suffer with Him too. This is because we believe and wait for God’s Kingdom to come. In order to receive the glory with Christ, we also have to suffer with Him.
Paul’s hope was for all creation, including all animals and plants, to be freed from their death. That is why all of creation is waiting earnestly for the coming of the sons of God. The hope for the sons of God is that the day will come when all the creatures will be able to live eternally.
Therefore, we must realize that we believers have been blessed with eternal lives. Whether we will see the day our Lord comes in our lifetime, or whether our Lord will wake us up from our sleep to take us away, we will have to wait for Him.

Is God’s glory that shall be revealed in us truly great?

The glory that shall soon be revealed to the righteous is an everlasting glory—inheriting the eternal Kingdom and living forever in God’s glory. There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain in the Kingdom, and the Kingdom has no need for the sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God illuminates it. The Lamb is its light. It is a place where only Jesus and the born again, sinless believers are found, and it is filled with God’s glory. The Kingdom is filled with golden rays. The glory of the Kingdom where we will live forever is such great that words cannot describe it. Because this glory that we are expecting is so great, Paul tells us that our current sufferings are nothing compared to the glory that shall be revealed to us.
Sometimes we can see God’s glory in nature while we are working for God in this world. When we look at the multi-colored flowers, the bedewed grass, the nature shown in the shining leaves, the warm spring atmosphere, the freshness of the forests, the clear winds, the stars that shine brightly on cold nights; when we think of the four seasons, we cannot help but to think of the Heaven. When seeing these wonders of God’s creation, we hope that God’s Kingdom would come even sooner.
When the Kingdom of God comes, there shall be no more death, and we will live gloriously. There will be nothing lacking so we will live in abundance and prosperity. Just the thought that I will live with glory in a place where everything is perfect and ready fills my heart with God’s glory. The fact that all of those things will become ours, the believers, is like a dream, and makes us be grateful one more time that we have been born again. I thank the Lord who has filled my heart with this hope to the fullest.
Right now, we can only hope for Heaven through our imaginations, but we know that in the future, all of God’s promises will come true. Our hope thus becomes more intense and our sense of the nearing glory of God becomes stronger as days go by.
This is why the believers hope for the future. Faith in God and the hope for the future is the glory and faith of those who will inherit the Kingdom of God. Is this glorified faith, then, a blessing given only to those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit? The answer is an emphatic yes! Only time needs to pass before God’s glory is given to the righteous, to those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. In due time, God’s promises of all His glories will come true for us. All these glorious things will truly happen to the believers. The glory that awaits us is overwhelmingly splendid and beautiful.
You and I, who have the same faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, are the people who will enter God’s Kingdom of glory. The confusing and evil world may darken our hearts at times, and we may become discouraged and disoriented. But those who have been born again can overcome these hardships by believing that they have become the heirs of God. Even though there may be all sorts of troubles in the hearts of the sinless believers, they will be able to find strength and live on by reminding themselves of God’s promises. I am thankful that the Holy Spirit remains in our hearts, comforts us, and testifies to our spirits that we are God’s children.
Those who have recently been redeemed of their sins should also look to the glory of Heaven and live in hope. We equally became the God’s people. If you have lived the life of faith in church for a long time, you can see the Holy Spirit inside your souls rejoicing in the riches of your glorious inheritance.

Even the Hearts of the Righteous groan on this earth

Let us read verse 23 together. “Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” Let us ask ourselves, “What do we hope for in living?” We, the believers, live hoping for the redemption of our bodies. When we say that we are God’s children, it means that only our spirits are His children. Our bodies have not yet received the glory, so all the believers hope that their bodies will also be changed.
When the believers’ bodies wear God’s glory, they would be able to pass through a fire and they would not burn, and they would be able to go through any sort of obstacles or walls. Our changed bodies will be free of the limitations of time and space.
But our bodies have not changed yet, so we who have the first fruits of the Spirit groan inside. So, the righteous people who have been born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit wait for the redemption of the body.
To groan! It is written that even we who receive the first fruits of the Spirit groan. Have you felt the Holy Spirit groaning inside of you? When did He groan? The Holy Spirit groans when we try to chase fleshly desires.
When we look at the world and love what we see, the Holy Spirit in us groans. Our bodies have not changed, so they enjoy and try to pursue the worldly things, but because our souls have been changed already, the Holy Spirit inside us groans. We must thus turn back our hearts that try to pursue worldly pleasures and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit groans inside us, who are the heirs of God, because the Holy Spirit is within us. Living in this world we can see how dark the future is and how weak our bodies are; during times like this, we should look up to and long for the blessings of God’s heirs because they know that their bodies will also be redeemed. The believers wait for the day that they will have perfect bodies that are completely redeemed.

Living with the glorious hope
Let us read verses 24 and 25 in one voice. “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.”
“Did we receive the forgiveness of all our sins in hopes of God’s Kingdom?” Let us ask this question. We said that we received forgiveness of our sins by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance,” God says so.
In order to go to Heaven and be freed from our sins, we must be saved by believing in the Word of the water and the Holy Spirit. After being saved from all of our sins, if we turn our eyes to the world and hope for what can be seen, then this means that we neither know God’s glory nor are waiting for it. If we hope for what we see, then that cannot be hope. That is why Paul asked, “Why does one still hope for what he sees?” We who have now become the righteous should not hope for what is on earth, but we, according to His promise, should look for new heavens and a new earth in which His righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).
This kind of faith is what the righteous hope for. The righteous live in hope for the new Heaven and earth. What we can see with our bodily eyes is not what we truly hope for. We cannot see with our human eyes, so we wait for God’s promised Kingdom of glory with our spiritual eyes. That is why those who are truly righteous place their hopes in the Kingdom of Heaven. The hope is to believe that what God has told us will really come true.
God said, “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three” (1 Corinthians 13:13). We have received the remission of our sins through our faith and hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. His Kingdom will come to earth and be present in the Heavens, and we hope that we will live eternally in His Kingdom. This is why we believe in God’s promised Word and endure our present sufferings.
It is written here, “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.” What we persevere for is not something we can see with our eyes. We wait for God’s promises that we cannot physically see. God’s promises will come true to us believers because we were told that God’s glory will soon be revealed, and we believe in this promise. Since we believe that our Lord is coming back again to this earth, we can endure our present sufferings.
God’s Kingdom will, without even a trace of doubt, come to this earth. When the gospel is spread to all the nations, God’s Kingdom will surely come. The righteous wait for that day with patience. Our Lord will come while we are waiting. This is the truth for you and I who are living in this era.
There is a Ukrainian female co-worker who translates our books into Ukrainian. She recently saw the World Trade Center buildings collapsing from the terrorist attack and said that she felt confused and afraid. She asked if this could be announcing “the era of the pale horse” in Revelations and asked for any books related to this part of the Scripture.
We cannot definitely say that this incident is an omen of the pale horse era, but we cannot deny that it may be related. If things like this happen frequently, then there will be wars, and the nations will fight each other. When wars break out, the world will suffer from famines and ‘the pale horse era’ could suddenly come true.
So, when I see these incidents that foretell the destruction of the world, I renew my will that we should spread the gospel to the ends of the world. It is true that we are losing hope for this world and that our hearts groan when tragedies strike us. Nevertheless, as long as we live, we have to wait for God’s Kingdom, which we cannot see with our physical eyes but only with our spiritual eyes.
Because we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we hope for the Kingdom of Heaven and wait for it with perseverance. Because we believe that God’s Kingdom is coming closer to us, we can endure all our hardships. This is possible because the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts.
Are you suffering? Endure well and have patience. It is not only you who are suffering but all of us as well. We will have hope that when this is over, everything will turn out all right. Do you not know that you cannot develop hope spiritually when you are not physically suffering hardships? When the body is too comfortable, we do not look for God and seek blessings from Him. We thus drift away from God. We who have been born again should have hope for the coming glory and endure our present hardships.
God said that those who endure troubles with perseverance for the Lord are blessed. The day when God’s Kingdom comes to earth will arrive, and we will enter His Kingdom. We have to endure, have patience, and not lose hope for that day. We must endure and wait for that day. No matter how sad and hard it may be right now, we have to wait and persevere until the Kingdom of God comes as a new Heaven and earth.

The Holy Spirit helps those who have God’s righteousness
Let us read verse 26. “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
Does the Holy Spirit pray for us? Yes, He does! The Holy Spirit knows our weaknesses and prays for us.
I talked a little about the groanings of the Holy Spirit. To go over it again, the Holy Spirit groans when we head toward the direction that God does not want us to go. When we look at the circumstances of the world and groan with it, when we go in the direction that our Father God does not want us to go to, or when we disregard our Father’s will and live indifferently to His will, the Holy Spirit groans.
When the Holy Spirit dwelling in a born-again believer groans what cannot be uttered, we lose the energy in our hearts and become weak. That is when the Holy Spirit makes us pray. The Holy Spirit sometimes makes intercessions for us, or makes us aware of the fact that we need to pray.
The Holy Spirit groans in our hearts and makes us pray before our Father according to His will. “Lord God, You have blotted out our sins through Your baptism and Your blood on the Cross, and thorough this we have become Your children. We hope that Your second coming will come true on earth soon. We pray that Your will may come true.” We pray like this.
We ask for spiritual faith. “God, we are poor and lacking in Your eyes, so please give us the faith needed for Your will to come true.” God then helps us because He knows our weaknesses. The Holy Spirit does not leave us alone but makes us pray according to God’s will and prays for us too, strengthening our hearts.
The Holy Spirit makes us pray according to God’s will, and when we ask for help, He lets us know what God’s will for us is, and gives us new strength.
“For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
Do you feel these things? When you think and act differently from what God wants us to do, do you feel the Holy Spirit telling us, the righteous people, that something is wrong? The Holy Spirit says, “Hey, you’re wrong!” and our hearts start to groan. Did you know that this is the Holy Spirit groaning? You probably have experienced that when a righteous person’s heart is in joy, it is because the Holy Spirit is rejoicing inside. Then you will know that when your heart groans, it is the Holy Spirit groaning.
When we are weak and act wrongly, the Holy Spirit groans and makes intercessions for us, and God our Father gives us strength. The Holy Spirit has made us pray for all things, giving us new spiritual strength. That is why those who have the Holy Spirit in their hearts are very happy. The Holy Spirit gives us strength through God’s Word. In other words, the Holy Spirit works with His Word inside our hearts to give us new spiritual strength.
The Holy Spirit does not wish to talk through other means. He gives us strength through the Scripture, God’s church, and through our fellowship with our brothers and sisters. That is why God’s church is very important, and why the church has a very important role to play in the works of the Holy Spirit.
In the church are the believers, their fellowship, praises, and messages. Regardless of who the preachers are, the Holy Spirit is present and works in them so that they would deliver the appropriate messages that are needed at proper times. The Holy Spirit works among both those who give the message and those who receive it, awakening their minds and giving each of them the blessings that they need. The Holy Spirit does this in God’s church where the righteous people are gathered. That is why the church is very important for the believers. When a believer is going through a hard time in his/her heart and yet cannot share his/her pain with others, God’s servants will still be able to notice it through the Holy Spirit. If the believers are in a gathering of God’s church, the Holy Spirit will be able to touch and comfort their hearts. The Holy Spirit will help them to hold on to the Scripture and give them the strength to recover.
When living our lives of faith, we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, receive forgiveness for our sins, become God’s children, and as proof, we receive the Holy Spirit as a gift. Then, God gives us His church. After giving the church, God talks to His servants through the church and makes His servants preach His message. He cures our wounds with the Scripture, gives strength to those who are weak, blesses those who are poor in heart, and gives them the ability to carry out His work. He carries out His will through us. Therefore, believers can never cut themselves off from the church.
Believers can never be cut off from their interactions with other righteous people, or from their growth in God’s Scripture. Absolute truth is found only within God’s church. Therefore, believers need to unite with each other in the church. Faith without unity is a false faith.
Do you believe that the Holy Spirit resides in your heart? When we unite with God’s church, as it says in the Scripture and as the church tells us in its message, the Holy Spirit will help us and open our eyes to the truth, giving us blessings. So, unite with the church with such faith. The Holy Spirit will rejoice then.
We have lived until this hour with the help of the Holy Spirit. We will also live with His help in the future. That is why the Holy Spirit is so important to us, who have received forgiveness of all our sins. We have to know and believe that the Holy Spirit exists. We must know that we have to live by the Holy Spirit and receive His guidance in our hearts. Those who have the Holy Spirit in their hearts have to follow His will. If you are a righteous person, then the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and thus you must follow the law of life as the Holy Spirit guides you.
Let us read verse 27 together. “Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” Our God the Father knows the mind of the Spirit that dwells in us. The Holy Spirit knows everything in our minds; therefore, God the Father knows everything that is in our minds. As such, “He, the Holy Spirit makes intercession for the saints according the will of God.”
This means that our Father knows what is in the mind of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit prays according to our Father’s will. Believers thus get to live according to God’s will. That is why those who are forgiven of their sins find the benefits of their lives of faith through the Holy Spirit. The minds of the righteous are led by the awakenings of the Holy Spirit.
Troubles arise in the church when those who do not have the Holy Spirit in their hearts are found in God’s church. Those who do not believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit do not have the Holy Spirit inside them, and so they cannot communicate with the true believers who do have the Holy Spirit. They bring about many problems in the church. In contrast, when those with the Holy Spirit listen to a sermon by a servant of God who is filled with the Holy Spirit, their hearts are at peace because they can understand what God is trying to tell them through His servant.
Anyone who has been forgiven of his/her sins surely has the Holy Spirit dwelling in him/her. We have the Holy Spirit in us and live according to God’s will and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit guides us in these ways: sometimes through the church, sometimes through the fellowship with the believers, and other times through God’s words. He makes us find God’s will and allows us to follow His righteous way. The Holy Spirit gives us new strengths to live on God’s side until we reach His Kingdom.
You and I, therefore, must realize how important the Holy Spirit is in our lives of faith. When we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, as it is said in the Scripture, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).
God gave us the Holy Spirit as a gift so that He may guide us to live according to His will. This is the will of our God the Father. He tells us that we must live according to His will in order to enter His Kingdom. We have to have the Holy Spirit in order to live according to God’s will, and only those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit receive the Holy Spirit. We must thus believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit so that we may receive the Holy Spirit as a gift and live according to God’s will and enter His Kingdom.
We do not receive the Holy Spirit and the redemption separately. People today think that these two blessings are different things. They think that the Holy Spirit will descend on them if they go and pray fervently in mountain caves, saying prayers in strange tongues. They think that the Holy Spirit will then descend on them and directly give them His messages and converse with them. But this, unfortunately, is just not true.
The Holy Spirit and the Scripture cannot be separated, and the Holy Spirit and the believer cannot be separated either. This is why the relationships between the believers and the Holy Spirit, the church and the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—are so close to each other.
We who live in this last era live by the Holy Spirit. We live according to our Father’s will and by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows all of God’s will. Our Father knows everything that is in the mind of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides our thoughts and communicates with God. In this way, the Holy Spirit gets to pray according to God’s will, and our Father answers those prayers by making us live according to His will. 
That is why Paul talked in Romans chapter 8 verses 16 to 27 about the works of the Holy Spirit.
We are able to wait for God’s Kingdom through the Holy Spirit. We can endure our present sufferings and live according to our Lord’s will, hoping for His Kingdom with the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. We can endure through the Holy Spirit, obey our Lord through the Holy Spirit, and have the ability to serve our Lord through the Holy Spirit. All these things have been given to us through the Holy Spirit. We must realize that we are the people who walk with the Holy Spirit, always studying God’s Word, uniting our hearts with the Word, and listening to and following the Word. We must live our lives so that our Father and the Holy Spirit can rejoice in us, not carnal lives that please only our flesh. This is what Paul says in this passage.
God is always with us in our lives. He keeps our hearts and wants to help us. May the Lord continue to bless us. When our Lord comes again, everything will be changed to glory. We, who now have the righteousness of God, will inherit all of God’s Kingdom and glory. Whoever wants to inherit the Kingdom of God should listen carefully and believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Hallelujah! I pray that the righteousness of God will be with you and bless you.

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[Chapter 6-5] Let Us Preach the Gospel Of the Water and the Spirit with a Proper Understanding (Galatians 6:17-18)

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